Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rules We Live By

There are irrefutable rules governing the universe. We all know that the law of gravity means we can toss a ball as high as possible, but it will always fall back down to the earth. Two hydrogen particles atoms combined with one oxygen particle will always form water. We observe the rising of sun every morning and its setting every night, unfailing because of the constant rotation of the earth on its axis.

Some truths you may not know include these:
  1. Emi will never be a morning person.
  2. Annie, yo-yoing between silence and fits of giggles while behind closed doors, guarantees the existence of a mess.
  3. Add one little black dog named Cocoa to no. 2 (above) and absolute chaos ensues.
It's important for me to remember that there are some basic laws I cannot change. I must not forget these omnipresent truths, so that I will simply not open the pantry door when I think Annie might be in there (based on the evidence of peals of laughter alternating with pregnant quietus.) This way, the harmony of the universe might endure, and even coincide with my placidity, because if I just resist the impulse to twist the doorknob and let that door remain snug in its frame, I won't find globs of crunchy peanut butter pasted to the door - and matted in Cocoa's fur! At least for a few minutes longer, ubiquitous concordance will reign.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pop! Goes My Heart

You are gold and silv-e-e-er.... You know, sometimes nothing beats a good parody:

Yesterday, I watched Music and Lyrics (with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore) and I've been laughing inside (and out) all day. Now, you can hum and spin and laugh with me.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lipstick Jungle

I thought Annie was busy playing with Emi and their cousin, Rachel. It seems I was wrong about that!

And Here's How It's Going For The Girls....

Sorry for the interruption in blogging about my Bavarian adventure, but since I got back to Utah (where the vacation started, remember) and have had to resume my mothering responsibilities, I haven't found much time - or energy, for that matter - to commandeer the keyboard. But the girls have had a marvelous time. Just ask Annie. Thanks to her, the girl cousins might get new carpet in their bedroom. And Bunky and Grandnan just might need to replace part of their kitchen floor!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

When Germany Isn't Fun

Being sick was no fun. Worse is although it seems Allison just arrived here, she is already gone.

I love it here, but today hasn't been the same knowing when I go for dinner tonight Allison won't be joining me.

Update: Yes, I have an inkling how pathetic I must sound.

Monday, July 20, 2009

It's A Whole New World

It'a a whole new world. One filled with sleek, fast, sporty automobiles - BMWs, in fact. And that is not a bad thing. I will be the first to tell you that BMWs are not at the very top of my list of cars I want to drive, but they're not too far down that list, either.

(You seriously want to know? Well, the other day we drove by Munich's Bentley/Rolls Royce/Maserati/Koneg showroom. I think that of my list composed of purely dream vehicles, any work of art at that dealership would suffice, supplemented by basically any model, past and present, produced by Lamborghini, Bugatti, and Ferrari. See, this dream list is made up of cars that I think would be a bit difficult to just saunter into a showroom, point to and say, "I'd like to test-drive this car." And that exclusiveness is a driving factor - no pun intended - in creating my Absolutely Dreamiest Automobiles I'd Love To Drive List. As gorgeous and finely-crafted as Bremmen Motor Works products are, sitting behind the wheel of one their cars are within the realm of possibility. Figuratively. From a financial perspective? Well, let's just say that between a RR Silver Ghost and a BMW Individual, neither one will be parked in my garage.)

So, what I was going to say before I went off on my dream car vs. Dream Car spiel, is that I went to BMW Welt on Saturday, after I left poor, sick but recovering Ryan (who feels better today than he has in weeks, by the way) at our hotel. The thing about BMW Welt is that it makes you think that everyone should be driving beautiful, fast, well-equipped, specially-engineered automobiles. And I dare any of you to disagree! I"m not saying we all have to drive BMWs, but it would be nice if we all drove vehicles that fell under the category of luxury, don't you think?

Things Not To Do On Vacation

1. When you are traveling internationally all by yourself, you should not choose as your in-flight entertainment the movie Taken. But if you do happen to find yourself riveted by the plot and unable to turn off Liam Neeson, and your body proudly hails the fact that you have lived 37 years, borne children, spent too many sleepless nights, lost hair, gained weight and are battling the tiny lines mapping your face, you should spend a few moments being thankful that you are no longer the capricious, energetic, wrinkle-free 20-year-old you used to be.

2. You shouldn't begin a trip on the brink of exhaustion, continue to work within the parameters of two distinctive time zones, suffer dehydration, and then succumb to a not-so-friendly virus. Or allow such a thing to happen to your husband. I'm just saying....

Having a Great Time!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Midnight In Munich

It's dark outside. I am tired. It's actually past midnight, and I have had a very long day. It started, um, yesterday? I went to bed Tuesday night and now it's night-time again, only it's Thursday night. I missed Wednesday night. It's gone. Swept away in Delta's vapor. I'll get that missing night back next week, of course, but in the meantime, I'm exhausted!

When the plane descended over the outskirts of Munich this morning, I chuckled to myself as I observed the patchwork countryside below and thought, It looks just like flying into Kansas City!
But it's really nothing like the city straddling Kansas and Missouri. Munich is....Munich. As to what I mean by that? Well, I guess you'll just have to keep checking back here. Bis spater!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kansas City, Kansas to Munich, Germany via Nibley, Utah

You know, we Blocks don't do the big family vacation thing - meaning Ryan, Allison, Emi and Annie being in the same place at the same time for the unifying purpose of R&R combined with pure play - very often (Hello? 4 years, people. It's been 4 YEARS!). Sure, we'll do the occasional overnight stint, which tends to coincide with a ward temple trip. (I guess there's a reason to be glad that we have to drive a couple of hours to get the closest temple - so we can stay somewhere with a pool for one night!)

Well, today I am typing this entry in the comfort of Northern Utah's arid climate (I'm not sticky at all - even without the A.C. running! I don't miss the Midwest's humidity one bit!) while on the first leg of our trip - the via Nibley part. Okay, this is also the actual whole family part, because on Saturday, Ryan flies to Munich for two weeks - for business. Next Wednesday, I fly out to join him for one week - for pleasure! Without the girls! But trust me, they are still getting their holiday:
  • the non-stop play-date (the best kind - the cousin kind - you know, the play date that ends temporarily when we pack them in the car to head back to Kansas, but will resume immediately when they see their cousins again next summer)
  • night games in a neighborhood practically overrun by 3-4 feet tall life-forms (which is in direct contrast to our street back home)
  • all-you can-eat-ice-cream (I am not kidding - you should see Bunky and Grandnan's freezer!)
  • swimming lessons and 4-H classes
  • etc. and etc.. (I always hear an echo of Yule Brynner when I see or hear that phrase.)*
For the rest of the month, I am in vacation mode. YESSSS! Some days (like today) will be carefree. Some days will be packed with places to go, people to see and things to do. Planes, trains, and automobiles - this trip is using them all! So you see, while we may not do these vacation things often, when we actually happen to, we do them in a big way. Stay tuned!

*Yul Brynner - the sexy bald guy parading around a lavish Siamese palace in The King and I, 20th Century Fox's 1956 Rodger's and Hammerstein's musical based on the questionably objective memoir of Anna Leonowen.