Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's only spilled milk....

My carpets look great! After a good 10 hours of slaving away: mixing cleaner, (I used oxi-clean, the laundry stuff, by the way) bending, filling, lifting, pushing, and pulling, my carpets should look pretty good - even the kitchen! (Yes, we have carpet in the kitchen, which you may have heard me grumble about.) I cleaned my floors over two uncomfortably (because I was working with such gusto) humid days and on the second day, the ac went kaput! It was hard work, and I am quite sure my girls don't enjoy me playing floor Nazi, but darn it, can't we keep food and mud off of the floors for at least 3 full days?

Did I mention I am feeling old? My sore back, 5 days after my frenzied shampooing, still bears witness to my scrubbing. The back - sciatica or pulled muscle or whatever it is - happened on my birthday, which was the day before I embarked on my project. So does that mean 36 is the age when it all starts to go downhill?

Anyway, back to my floors - the kitchen floor in particular. I am going to assume that the previous owners were able to get an incredible deal - too good to pass up - on the carpet, or else they would have put something sensible down, like linoleum! Friday afternoon, about the time I was doing my final clean-up before I had to return the cleaning machine, Annie and Emi and one of Emi's friends decided they would like some chocolate milk. You can see where this is heading, can't you? Let's just say I have never seen such remorse in a child's eyes when a drink is spilled. I won't say which one of them did it, because after some hurried deep breathing techniques and forcefully talking to myself under my breath, I tried to make light of the situation by laughingly saying, "I won't tell if you don't." I guess it's a good thing I hadn't yet returned the rug-doctor!

I am not sure if contributions to the Block's new kitchen floor fund are tax-deductible, but we welcome them anyway.

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