Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I am straggling today. Not for anything to be thankful for, mind you. I'm just finding it difficult to post my daily list. Which is rather odd, considering how much time I pass each day, fingers on the keyboard, eyes glued to the monitor. But that brings me to six things (today and yesterday) I am thankful for:
  1. The prevalence of the home computer.
  2. Al Gore, for inventing the internet. (Does he really still think the internet is his brainchild?)
  3. High speed modems.
On a more serious note (although I am genuinely thankful for the technologically-rich age in which we live) I am incredibly blessed by intangibles that are far from negligible. Maybe these things are harder to express gratitude for because of the abstract extent of joy. Sometimes, immeasurable amounts are the most defining. I am tremendously thankful for:
  1. Family Home Evening. In case you don't know what this is, I'll paraphrase: we set aside one evening each week to do activities that strengthen us as a family spiritually, create family memories, and increase unity and love. And if you joined us for an evening, you would see that our FHEs do not always fit that definition. And you may even wonder about the outcome. But we're trying, and our girls look forward to our Monday nights. And that's what I'm thankful for.
  2. Family Prayer. I'm thankful for the rote prayers. I'm thankful for the prayers that center on pets or toys. I'm thankful for the rushed prayers in the car on the way to school. I'm even thankful for the prayers where everyone is fidgety. I'm thankful for family prayer because it means we are a family.
  3. Family Scripture Time. It's most definitely not a time of great scriptural insight and study. In fact, sometimes that daily 10-20 minutes is colored with an unflattering palette of impatience, distraction, and snappish behavior. I have to remind myself that we're not setting aside time each day - when we might prefer to be doing something else - for the purpose of learning scripture stories or memorizing important verses. We read together from Book of Mormon and from the Bible or Doctrine and Covenants each day to teach to Emi and Annie (and to reiterate to ourselves) what is of uncompromisable value to us. I know that sometimes, the only way I can get through difficult experiences and keep my faith anchored in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to read from words written hundreds and thousands of years go. And to keep reading. And to offer up prayers to my Father in Heaven. And to keep praying. And hope that answers and comfort and happiness will come. And I also know that sometimes, the only way to truly express my thanks for answers to my invocations, for preventing me from becoming a casualty of the storms we all go through, is to read those words written long ago. And to offer prayers. And to keep reading. And to keep praying.
"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." 2 Nephi 25:26

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