Saturday, April 26, 2008

I've Only Just Begun....

White lace and promises We'll find a place
Where there's room to grow....
Echos of the Carpenters, anyone? Actually, as I was trying to come up with a title for this, my very first blog entry, a crazy melody popped into my head. If you're not familiar with the Carpenters, this all makes no sense whatsoever - but thanks to my friend Angie, at the the strangest moments, scraps of songs find their way out of the deepest recesses of my mind. The point of this whole preamble is that I have decided to jump on the blog bandwagon! I'm not much of a journal writer (at all) so we'll see how I do at this.

I'm not the poet that Ryan is, what with his penchant for haiku. Nor am I skilled at composing limericks, like my good friend, Trish. I don't claim Shakespear's or Daphne du Maurier's skill, either. But I can peck away on this keyboard, darn it, and just be me! So, welcome to my world, friends....adventures in Allieland!