Friday, April 23, 2010


Annie has been....Annie lately. Very Annie. Go ahead and use your imagination, or look back at previous blog posts expounding the Annieness of our girl. In the past month, I have - on two separate occasions - made frantic calls to hairdressers in order to rectify my foolishness at leaving Annie alone with a pair of scissors. Most recently was Wednesday, when she also added to her hair cutting repertoire: she apparently has decided to become a fashion designer as well. I mean, why wear a perfectly good t-shirt when you can instead sport jagged holes and an uneven hem? At least that experiment was a hand-me-down.

A couple times in the past week or so, I've caught Annie after she's raided my jewelry box - the big give-away is the mismatched earrings dangling by her chin. Today, I walked into my bedroom to see squeezed-out tubes and bottles of facial lotions, liquid foundation and lipstick smeared on my bedspread and sheets - amazingly enough, Annie was only wearing heavy stripes of Loreal True-Match foundation in porcelain. (I guess I caught her before she'd had time to blend it all in!).

While I was cleaning up the incriminating evidence, I told Annie that she is not allowed to put on any make-up(for the zillionth time!). She said, "You mean I can't be a grown-up anymore?" "No, Annie," I replied, "You cannot be a grown-up anymore. You have to be a 7-year-old." She looked at me and said in an accusatory tone, "That makes me feel like crying."

You and me both, Kiddo. You and me, both.

Friday, April 2, 2010

0 to 40 in 4.5!

This beauty goes from zero to 40 miles per hour in about 4 seconds.

It might hit 60 mph in just a second or two more, but I can't verify that, because we were on Parallel (which has that pesky 40 mph speed limit, although that is faster than the 20 mph residential zone we started in!) for less than a block before turning onto a street with those amber slow-down-and-watch-for-kids-because-you're-in-a-school-zone-lights flashing. But here's the main point: I bet this German masterpiece can go really fast!