Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Riddle, Of Sorts

Today, it's a riddle. A guess who? kind of riddle.

We didn't know when she was a new baby if she'd be able to pull all of the tissues out a newly-opened box and trail them unceremoniously around the room. Or decide to make her own container of cinnamon sugar (just imagine the carnage that entails!). Or unroll a new roll of toilet paper both at home and at school, while counting to 20 and waiting for the "pee and poops to wake up" (which seems to happen all too frequently in her pull-up or diaper and not enough on the actual porcelain throne.) Or single-handedly squeeze half a bottle of dish soap into a bowl full of water so her pink frog could take a bath. Or imprint her face so artistically with Curious George stamps pressed in mostly washable blue ink. Or, instead of eating them, mash strawberries into the floor. With her bare feet.....

And this is all just since Saturday.

Like I said, we didn't know if she would be able to do any of those things.

I'm glad she can.

I wish she wouldn't!

Any guesses?


Julie said...


Miss L said...

Um...the dogs? Just joking. We should get Annie and Miss O together, record it and entitle it "The Sisterhood of Chaos" and see if we couldn't win the grand prize of America's Funniet Home Video contests.

In the meantime...Hang in there!