Thursday, August 27, 2009

Then There WasThe Time I Went To The Hunting & Fishing Museum By Mistake....

I meant to go to the Deutches Museum. I was looking quite forward to an afternoon of learning interesting facts and gaining appreciation for many intuitive and creative individuals, all the while being filled with awe and wonder at the brilliance of mankind. Sounds like a nice afternoon, doesn't it?

I purchased my ticket at the rather unassuming front desk, thinking, Wow, only 3,0 Euros? They really want this museum to be accessible to the public! After wandering through 3 levels of inventive wildlife displays, artistically arranged cases of muskets and arrows, and beautifully carved old wooden sleighs (with realization dawning that perhaps this wasn't just one small section of the museum - this was the whole thing!), I began to suspect that I was not actually where I intended to be.

I was instead at the Hunting and Fishing Museum. Still interesting, but just not quite what was anticipated - although it does contain the world's largest collection of, er, stuffed animals and fish hooks. There just weren't any airplanes or copper engravings or the first automobile ever built (an 1886 Benz!) or demonstrations with electricity or glass-blowing, and stuff like that. I guess this is the risk one takes when one is not familiar with the language and decides if the building's sign (which proudly states Deutsches Jagd- und Fischereimuseum) contains the words "Deutsches" and "Museum," one needn't consider the other accompanying words (which, it seems, would read "Hunting" and "Fishing"!)*

*And besides, when we had strolled past the building an evening or two previously, Ryan had pointed to it and said, "I think that's the Deutsches Museum. You should go there."


Ryan said...

Those are striking images. I can't believe you didn't take me with you...

Miss L said...

This really is very very funny. I love that they have the largest collection of fish hooks!!! I 'm sure there are many avid fishermen who'd love to see that. And just think, you can say you have!