Friday, March 19, 2010

To The Max!

I happened upon a blog today that I had never seen before. You know when you google a phrase, you can find yourself on quite the adventure, visiting all types of places - some are interesting, some are scary, some are right what you're looking for, some are, uh, not. And some are absolutely serendipitous! I'm glad I scrolled down the page with my search results and clicked on the bottom link. I'm doubly glad I read one posting, then read a few more. Because the author? I think we might be enrolled in the same program at the inaccurately called School of Hard Knocks. It should really be called something like The Opportunity and Happiness Academy....

Okay, I'm not a magazine editor, so my musings aren't as charming as Ellen's (and probably not punctuated correctly, either,) but I encourage you to peruse her blog occasionally. And smile for me and Ryan and Emi and Annie, because we've found ourselves working a small plot of rich soil in a magical land. Sometimes, dark clouds gather and fierce winds howl across the landscape, and it might rain heavily for days on end. But then, oh, if you could just see the riot of colour sweeping across the fields and inhale the heady scent of fresh blossoms and feel the warmth of the sun smiling out of a bright blue sky, you'd know why we keep planting seeds in our little garden.

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