Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas Continues....

It's the day after Christmas. I am enjoying the afterglow of a calm, quiet day, idled away in the company of those I love. Yesterday was a day for catching looks of delight spread across my daughter's faces as ribbons and wrapping paper were strewn across the floor and sneaking kisses with my sweetheart amidst the happy sights and sounds of childhood magic. Twinkling lights, enduring aromas and echoing laughter remind me that one distinct day cannot contain the joys it importunes

Today is Boxing Day. I haven't a household of servants to impart gifts to. And I haven't extended charity to the amplitude I would like to have done. Ringing bells and bright red banks have reminded me of my good fortune as I have fumbled in my purse for loose bills and change. I have offered prayers on behalf of those I know I cannot physically help. Of course, Ryan and I have continued to donate to the funds our church sets aside to assist impecunious families and individuals. Is that enough to share as my family continues to be on the receiving end of good fortune? After a day spent giving and getting, I am all the more aware of the bounties of my holiday season. Today, tomorrow and beyond, I have much to celebrate.

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