Tuesday, December 16, 2008


You know why I bought a pre-lit (I mean pre-strung) tree? So I wouldn't have to deal with wrapping lights around branches and fashioning that sense of festivity a lighted Christmas tree creates. I think you can figure out where this is going: yes, friends, my pre-lit tree isn't lighting so well!

I was so proud of last year's after-Christmas clearance deal I scored on my tree - $350 down to $40! And it is a fine tree. I imagine it will look nice with dangling glass baubles, muted washi eggs, and delicate hand-made snowflakes, all gently cast with a sparkly glow from those oh-so-(in)convenient lights!

The handy Lightkeeper PRO that I picked up really did fix a lot of dead lights, but the multiple unlit sections - with what I can only surmise must be faulty wiring (based on my extensive knowledge of and experience with corded electrical systems) - are still giving me grief. And since I am married to Ryan, an admitted perfectionist, it's out with the old and in with the new! I am killing my fingers this year by removing useless strands and re-stringing with new lights. But here's the positive thing: even though I think the only fully decorated tree we'll have this year will be the girls' tree in the playroom, I should have at least a good 5 more Christmases with trouble-free lights on my big tree, right?

1 comment:

Julie @ Rivendell said...

Did you know the makers of the LightKeeper Pro offer a national tollfree hotline to help people just like you? Just call them 7 days a week (from the day after Thanksgiving up till Christmas Eve - 9AM-5PM Central) and they will walk you through how to fix those lights! Number is 1-888-Ulta-Lit. Good luck and cheers to bright holidays!