Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Never Gonna Give You Up, Never Gonna Let You Down....

You know what I learned a few days ago? I learned what it means to be "Rick Astley-ed or "Rickrolled." I know, I'm what, a good year behind the fad? But it got me to thinking, where can I find out all the stuff I'm missing - you know, the totally random, hip things people-in-the-know know? Well, thanks to our friends at Google, we have no excuse to be at a loss for anything, ever again. Unless your power is out and you're not cool enough to have a laptop. (Or, you could actually have a laptop, but you're using the power cord because there's just not enough juice left to do anything, so the efficacy of Google is lost to you, anyway, and the powered-up world is laughing at you, but you don't know that because the electricity went out so you can't connect to the internet. Or anything else, either.)

Anyway....back to where I was heading before I apparently got lost on the keyboard and my fingers began typing silly stuff about Google and paying your bills in a timely manner. Or something like that. I'll admit it right here: sometimes I just pretend to be in the know and throw about catchy phrases and nod wittingly when small talk is revolving around current mania that I really know nothing about. (Honestly, by the time I'm are versed in whatever it is I have been ignorant of, everyone else is already totally over what I just discovered.)

Are you still with me? Good, because I want to wax poetic about Google and how you can discover the most random things. (I am really spilling my guts here, friends and laying bare just how much I have completely lost any hipness that I used to parade around rather smugly, because at some point in my life, I really felt pretty well-rounded and figured I knew what I was supposed to know - whatever that was.)

Ahem. Back to my confession: as an example of how much Google has helped me, I'll tell you right now that despite the many blogs I peruse and the minutes (hours?) idled away on Facebook (another post altogether!) I am not completely clear about the meanings of all the abbreviations people type these days (I don't twitter, okay?) so where am I going to learn what these acronyms stand for? Why, Google, of course!

Let's take IMAO. You may have known what these letters meant the first time you saw them, but I had seen them countless times before typing them in Google's search box to glean their deep, hidden meaning. I'll let you click the link so you can kind of feel like you were right beside, me, waiting with baited breath as Google worked its magic: IMAO.

Ha-ha. Rickrolled ya!


Jessica said...

My Dear Allison Embrace It!!!
Isn't it FUN to sing and dance to? =)

Miss L said...

Ahhhh, I loved Rick Astley. I bought this single when it came out...on cassette. Good times.