Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Daily Miracles

Each day is full of miracles. Most just pass by unnoticed. Not that the recipient is necessarily at fault - some miracles, maybe most, are inconspicuous. But Heavenly Father watches out for us. And vain repetitions offered in prayer, like ".... and please protect us and keep us safe and please bless our home...." are still heard. This I know, because of a broken dryer. With a completely burned through electrical wire - this means there was a flame! And we had no idea until Ryan looked at the dryer a few days after it went kaput. Our house, especially the laundry room, is none the worse for wear. I'm thankful for miracles, especially the ones I'm oblivious to.


Miss L said...

Wow. I'm glad everyone is safe.

Adrienne said...

Oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH. So glad it was nothing more than a picture on a blog of a burned through wire!!