Tuesday, December 30, 2008

20/20 Vision Again? Darn It!!

I don't remember life being crystal clear. Since grade 2, my world has been a bit fuzzy. Literally. At the tender age of seven I stepped into the realms of myopia. That's when I became A-Girl-Who-Wears-Glasses. (Some of my classmates simply called me "Four-Eyes.") Time has marched forward and my eyesight has continually marched backwards. If I knock my glasses off my nightstand before I put them on in the morning, I have to get down on hands knees and gingerly run over the floor with my finger tips. Sometimes, I have to call for someone to come help me. Someone with 20/20 vision. Someone like Emi.

Crazy kid, she doesn't know how good she has it! Emi has already surpassed me in the How-Long-Before-My-Vision-Betrays-Me? department, yet she doesn't seem to consider that a victory. Some of you have seen her in her "fashion glasses" (aka: frames with non-prescription lenses.) She pranced into the opthamologist's office this morning with hopes flying high that those cute green rims would rate function over fashion. Alas, the poor child's eyes continue to serve her as God intended.

Keep her in your thoughts.


Julie said...

I think I am going in for Lasik in january...come do it with me!!!!

I remember losing one of my contacts at your house...ugh all of the hours on my hands and knees searching for glasses and contacts!!

Shari said...

My mom had a similar problem, she did need me to thread her needles, and get things off the top shelf for her. This is incredibly funny since I'm only 5'4"!

You know I used to read in the dark hoping it would make my eyes bad. Now I have token glasses with the barely above fashion frames Rx, because I really wanted them. I know how Emi feels! But I only wore them for a while, now they're in the glove box of my van for night driving...if I need them.