Thursday, July 16, 2009

Midnight In Munich

It's dark outside. I am tired. It's actually past midnight, and I have had a very long day. It started, um, yesterday? I went to bed Tuesday night and now it's night-time again, only it's Thursday night. I missed Wednesday night. It's gone. Swept away in Delta's vapor. I'll get that missing night back next week, of course, but in the meantime, I'm exhausted!

When the plane descended over the outskirts of Munich this morning, I chuckled to myself as I observed the patchwork countryside below and thought, It looks just like flying into Kansas City!
But it's really nothing like the city straddling Kansas and Missouri. Munich is....Munich. As to what I mean by that? Well, I guess you'll just have to keep checking back here. Bis spater!


Miss L said...

We miss you but hope you're having a super-fantastic time!!!! :) Be safe out there.

Jennifer Lee said...

Ooooh...I'm SO excited for you and can't wait to hear details of your trip!