Friday, August 15, 2008

Becoming a Polished Shaft

This is an abrupt change from haikus penned by our dog, but she survived - the girls are home and our relationship is just as strained as ever. I mean my relationship with the dog, not my girls.

The following is on a topic near to my heart lately for a number of reasons I won't go into here. I know, you're probably sick of reading my posts - this is Allison's blog after all.

Other shaken individuals recover their belief in the basic principles [of the Gospel] and events [in Church history] but are never quite the same as before. Their them a new perspective. They tend to be more philosophic and less dogmatic about all the stories they once enjoyed.

Insights on testimony and growing in the Gospel by the thoughtful but timely Richard Bushman.

1 comment:

BHodges said...

Thanks for the redirection, friend.