Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Am....

I guess Cryptic Jennifer decided I need to update my blog a little more regularly. Or maybe she just sensed that my creative blogging brain is not so demiurgic these days. You know how tagging goes, so while you are musing over my thoughtful answers, you might want to consider what you are, because you may be "it" next.

I am: lively, tired, happy, sad, funny, silly, cheerful, cranky, right, wrong, hungry, full, brave, scared, certain, questioning, prepared, vulnerable, capable, raw, faithful, fickle, scrupulous, petty.... many things that I hope make me real.
I think: people are inherently good.
I know: that I don't know everything, but I hope I know enough.
I want: my daughters to love the life that is theirs to forge.
I dislike: too many miles separating me from friends and family.
I miss: winding trails that climb upwards, cool breezes on summer evenings and, on occasion, a real snowstorm.
I fear: what can hurt me.
I feel: blithe
I hear: a rooster at various times of the day. Even in winter.
I smell: incense and if I close my eyes, I can be at almost any shrine in Japan.
I cry: inside, and sometimes with real tears, when I see my girls trying not to (and sometimes with them when they do.)
I usually: bake something chocolatey, gooey and rich when I feel mounting disquietude.
I search: my cupboards for chocolate when I am happy, when I am sad, when I am stressed, when I am bored.....
I wonder: if I would actually want all the things I do, if I could, in fact, have them.
I regret: allowing friendships to float away, instead of casting a line.
I love: a boy from Kansas, a little girl from Utah, and an alien from....?.
I care: about how the world outside my door will affect the world I am creating inside the walls that mark my home.
I always: check the garage door (the one to the driveway, not the one to the house) to make sure it is closed before I go to bed.
I worry: about Annie understanding that she is different and thinking that because she is incommensurable, she's somehow not "right."
I am not: the girl I used to be. I hope I am more.
I remember: things I would rather forget. Ad I forget things I want to remember.
I believe: I can fly....I believe I can touch the sky....I think about it every night and day....(That's for you, Emi!)
I dance: with Danny Kaye - that's when the best things happen, don't you know....
I sing: as if I am Rosemary Clooney.
I don't always: say the right thing. And sometimes that bothers me. But sometimes, it doesn't.
I argue: when I think it's better to say my piece than bite my tongue any longer.
I write: what I really feel.
I win: watermelon-eating contests, at least in my house!
I lose: my determination to maintain an orderly house pretty quickly, I'm afraid.
I wish: Angie had become Miss America - I really wanted to watch Trisha jump up on stage so those two could perform Irving Berlin's "Sisters" song and dance number. (And that is a complete post in itself.)
I listen: with one ear, but not always two.
I don't understand: how some things that happen could possibly be good for me, yet I know they are.
I can usually be found: curled up with a good book.
I am afraid: that I neglect to appreciate what I have and how my blessings affect who I am.
I need: Chocolate. Smooth, dark, decadent chocolate. Every day.
I forget: many things - names, where my glasses are, that I've already told Ryan the same story 2 times....
I am happy: being me.

And so I am.Now, I tag Adrienne, Ryan and Julie. (Yes, you, Julie Bassett.) And one more (even though I don't have to) - Trish, if you decide to get your blog rolling again.


Adrienne said...

..and we love you! I love your uniqueness, if that's a word. Great answers!

Julie said...

how did you KNOW that I would dismiss it as ANOTHER Julie??!!