Friday, July 4, 2008

"Hair" today and gone tomorrow

,(This picture is actually from October 2007, but it gives you an idea of before.)
I am sure some of you know how proud I am of my girls for donating their hair to Locks of Love when they were both just 4 years old. Well, Emi gave her hair again this past May, 4 and 1/2 years after her first time. When people have asked me why my girls have donated their hair to Locks of Love, I have responded with something like, "Why not? It's only hair. It grows back." Well dear readers, I bit the bullet on Monday and had 10 inches of my hair hacked off, too! My friend, Dana - hairdresser extraordinaire - who does my hair, applauded me for being so brave. She laughed as she said, "I know how hard this is for you, because you always tell me 'only 1 inch, not 2!'"

So why was it such a big deal for me? I guess because I am a creature of habit. It's habit to comb through tangles, habit to wait a couple for hours for my hair to dry, to fight with summer frizz and flatness and winter-time static, it's even habit to pull my hair up or back because I can't think of anything else to do with it.... Hey, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all! (Even if Annie -who watched Dana chop my tresses with a single, swift movement - had to peer into my face and ask, "Are you the same mom?")

And hair grows back.


Jennifer Lee said...

It looks great! I'm so excited to see the "same mom" in person!

Miss L said...

I looks GREAT!!!! :)