Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wasting away in Barbieland

I overheard Emi playing with her barbies on Friday. Since I was sitting at the computer, it was easy to capture her dialog.

Imagine Emi with a weary, mournful voice:

"My shoes are gone." Sigh. "My hair's a mess." Sigh. "My clothes are dirty. I'm cold and hungry. Maybe I can rest here."

"If I only had a bottle. And paper and something to write with." Moment of distressed silence. "And I was supposed to be in a play!" Sigh. "Everyone's counting on me!"

Pitiful, soft voice now. "Lost. Cold. Hungry. If only I had a place to rest. A change of clothes."

"Life is hard." Sigh. "But..." Sudden cheerful voice. "...Now I think I might know what to do if I ever get sent to survival camp!"

1 comment:

Miss L said...

That's hysterical.