Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Trish!

Today is my friend Trisha's birthday. So I sent her a birthday salutation and since in that email I was being very honest regarding my thoughts on growing older, I decided I would share those sage words with all of you, my dear readers.

I remember when I turned 35, Ryan pointed out that I was now closer to my 40s than my 30s. (Good thing he has other lovable qualities!) Yesterday, I was looking in the mirror and freaked out because I think I am looking my age! Not that 36 is old, but it's older than, say 32. Or 29. But on the bright side, 36 is not as old as 90 (an age which I look forward to gracefully attaining, by the way)!

Funny thing is, I still feel like I'm 30 - or 31, considering I was pregnant and uncomfortable part of the time I was 30. Since getting 10 inches of hair lopped off a few weeks ago, I have moments when I feel like I have "mom hair." All of my friends (bless your hearts) have assured me it's not mom hair, but I'm not 100% convinced. So, occasionally, that makes me feel like I am looking like a 36-year-old. Plus the extra 5 pounds that has crept on since summer began and I quit my daily morning walk (it's just too hard to keep it up with my girls. I know, it's a lame excuse...). Plus my sporadically aching back. Plus feeling like I just can't keep up with everything anymore (although, did I really ever feel like I was on top of it all?) But here's the good thing: I think I am okay about 40, because that's the new 25!

Anyway, I hope each of you still feel young and vibrant!

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