Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Monster Mom!!

Monster Mom has raised her ugly head. My poor children! I can't open my mouth without something feral-sounding slipping out. Don't you just love those days when your evil twin jumps in and takes over your body? The thing is, I know how witchy I sound and I can't seem to control it. Granted, the house has been a mess and today is the first day after two days of non-stop running that I have had time to breathe in the clutter surrounding me. (Bad idea, opening my eyes this morning.) And then in the midst of my madness Annie comes up to me and says in the sweetest voice, "Mummy, I love you." Don't I feel about two inches tall right now.

But hey, at least I've taken my girls swimming the past two days, so they have that for a happy memory!


Ryan said...

Do you think it's because of the baby?

Miss L said...

Yes, Allison. Is it because of my baby???? lol.

Hey. Do not feel bad this episode. As we all know, I have them almost DAILY!!!! I had a nurse tell me the other day that out of her 5 grown children, not a one remembers this time (and I jokingly said to her, that they admit to you. Of course, to their therapists, they spill all sorts of beans). Stay strong!!!! :)

Allison said...

Um, Ryan, what are you talking about?!

Ryan said...

Maybe this will cheer you up.

See you tomorrow night.