Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Around My Block

I changed the title of my blog to Around the Block a few weeks ago, as you may have (or not) noticed. A clever play on words, isn't it? Well, today while I was driving to my house, I thought to myself, "My neighborhood is my 'block.' What makes this neighborhood unique or interesting?" Okay, this thought actually popped into my head when I turned the corner in front of the house where the guy mows the lawn in his bathrobe. And that is one thing that makes this neighborhood what it is.

Then there's the house up the street where they faithfully hold a garage sale every three months. At least. They seem to have a never ending supply of stuff. It must be breeding in the basement. Don't most people just give the stuff they can't sell to some place like Goodwill and breathe a sigh of relief that finally all their junk is gone?

Of course, a description of our neighborhood wouldn't be complete without a mention of the house where some former neighbors swore some "big stuff was going down." Our neighbor said to me "They are under surveillance. Haven't you noticed the utility trucks that are always parked by that house?" Well, that was seven years ago. The same people still live there. The utility trucks are long gone. The only visible change is that the house no longer has dark pink trim. It's now mint green.

Do recall me mentioning the neighborhood rooster? We are in the city limits. And the rooster is, too. It seems that particular yard is sacrosanct.

And I can't forget Ethan. That kid is hell on wheels! And feet. Heck, if he was walking on his hands, I'm sure he'd still leave a trail of mayhem behind. Ryan says we have to move before Ethan hits his teenage years.

These, my friends, are only some of the things that set my block apart. You should really come and visit!

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