Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We're headed to the Big House...

Tomorrow I am taking my girls on a little adventure - to prison! Seriously, that's where we are headed. The question is, who is coming back.....?

Avid readers who have kept up with this blog might have a sense that Ryan doesn't really care for our dog, Tessa. I told him that when he no longer traveled as much (he was sometimes gone for three weeks out of four) we could get another dog. And since he got a promotion recently, he should be around a little more. But we are not getting a replacement dog, just a friend for Tessa. And Ryan. That said, I can explain why we're headed to the big house.

The state penitentiary is located about 20-25 minutes away and there is an animal rescue program, called Safe Harbour, in operation. Prisoners take care of the dogs - house-break them and train them - and then the animals are adopted out. Some of you non-locals may have even seen a blurb about this program a few years ago. I'm pretty sure it made national headlines when the woman running the program fell in love with a prisoner and smuggled him out of the pen in the Safe Harbour van.

Anyway, we saw a few dogs on their website that we want to meet and even though Ryan has another engagement tomorrow evening, Emi, Annie and I are going to go meet these dogs. Don't worry, we're taking our own trusty guard dog with us. My question about these Safe Harbour dogs is this: will these dogs guard if a criminal enters a home, or will they wag their tails and assist? Stay tuned for the continuing saga of Ryan's Quest for Another Dog.

1 comment:

Miss L said...

What a great idea! Let me know how it goes...maybe when we are ready to get "another" dog (who, hopefully WON'T run away 3 weeks after we get her), this would be a good option. :)