Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Defiant One

Today Annie got off the bus with a frown on her face - an angry frown, not a dejected one. And a sad face drawn on her hand. Uh-oh, I thought. Not again!

Let me back up and tell you that yesterday, one of Annie's teachers called me from school to see if I could get Annie to listen and obey. Uh, right. I tried, I'll say that much. End result? My kindergartner had detention yesterday during recess!

Needless-to-say, we (Ryan, Annie and me, with Emi piping up now and then) talked a lot last night and this morning about listening to our teachers and making good decisions and how we feel happy when we make good decisions and sad when we make bad decisions. So of course Annie got out of the car this morning telling me she would obey her teachers.

Back to this afternoon. I looked at Annie's scowling face and asked her if she had a good day at school. She glared at me at me and answered, "No. I was in trouble." So I asked some questions to determine exactly what Annie did (or didn't do, as the case turned out.) Well, Annie summed it up well enough with these words, " I wouldn't get off the floor. I had issues!"

1 comment:

Miss L said...

Oh, poor Annie. I feel her pain! I, too, sometimes don't want to get off the floor because I have issues. lol. Hang in there, Allison!!!!! :) Hang in there, Annie!!!