Friday, September 26, 2008

Hidden Treasure

I just put Annie to bed. At night, within a few minutes of being settled, she invariably screams for something. Again. And again. And sometimes, again. She needs a certain blanket, a specific toy. The night light needs to be on. No, it needs to be off. I forgot to turn on her ceiling fan. I didn't say, "...and don't let the bed bugs bite!" I've got to hand it to Emi: she's taught her sister some amazing excuses as to why she can't fall asleep.

This evening, I don't think I was more than two steps out in the hallway when I heard the shrieking. (She doesn't just call out. No. It's much more dramatic if she screams. Another thing she's learned from Emi.)

"Mummy! Muuummmyyy!"

I turned around and opened the door. "Yes, Annie? What do you need?" (I tried to keep the exasperation out of my voice, but I don't think I was too successful.)

Annie: "I need my special teddy bear."

Me: "Okay. Where is it?"

Annie: "It's over there." (Pointing to the dresser top, where this particular bear is supposed to live. Of course, he's AWOL.) I scavenged around her pile of blankets. Not there either. (And that was quite a pile, I tell you. If Annie can't sleep, I think it's because she might be a little too warm, what with being under her bedspread, her fuzzy blue blanket, AND her big pink quilt Grandma Opal made for her. That's why she needs her ceiling fan! But can I do anything about it? Only if I want to spend the next hour giving her back one blanket at a time so she'll finally zonk out.)

Me, wishing my sore throat, stuffed ears and headache were as good at disappearing as this particular bear is tonight: "Uh, no he's not."

Annie, showing her night-time colors now: "Look under the bed! Look under the bed!" Not there, either.

I fumbled through her bedding again. This time I emerged victorious! So I handed Annie her much-wanted bear and she promptly hugged him and then proceeded to bury him under the other 14 stuffed animals and dolls she has to sleep with. "Let's hide him under here, so I can't see him."


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