Thursday, November 12, 2009

All Creatures Great And Small

My big brother stopped by yesterday, en route from Nibley, Utah to Huntsville, Alabama. He didn't stay long, only from early afternoon to just before six this morning, but I am so glad he was here. He's very entertaining, has lots of adventures, and even the most seemingly mundane events and people become hilariously charming when illustrated by his descriptions. Too bad Ryan is out of town and missed the fun! While I was getting the girls ready for school this morning, I was thinking of my family - my siblings, in particular - and....they were just happy thoughts. So today, I am very thankful that:
  1. My siblings and I genuinely enjoy spending time together. I know I look forward to being with them, and I think they like seeing me, too. And not just because I'm 1100 miles away. They all live within 2 hours or so of each other (well, not Michael, anymore, since he's moving, of course) and they seem to enjoy regular get-togethers. I'm very lucky, because despite the years of squabbling and pettiness and fighting that all kids do when they are growing up, undeterred by the hurtful things we have done to each other (and not just as kids, I'm afraid), we still like each other. We really like to be with each other. And apparently not every family is like that.
  2. Even though we didn't have pets until I was a teenager (because I was absolutely terrified of dogs), we (my parents and siblings) are all dog people now. And so is Ryan's family. Not that I think everyone should be a dog person. Because I don't think that. I mean, hey, I'm not a cat person (which I was, as a child. Funny how life flip-flops. Hmm.) so I understand that you either like a particular animal or you don't. Which is fine. (If you are at my house and would prefer that my dogs be outside or away from you, and I am clueless regarding that matter, just tell me. I won't be offended.) Anyway, back to why I am glad I am related to dog people: because it's one aspect where we don't think every other family member is nuts. We share the happiness and sadness, thrills and jitters, of taking pets into our hearts. We may poke fun at the notion of buying dog treats at a gourmet doggy bakery, or at a related mutt getting ridiculous Christmas gifts, but isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? You know, now that I think of it, maybe the sense of camaraderie actually stems from the recognition that we are all a little nuts? At least we're in this together. Safety in numbers, you know.
  3. Ryan is coming back from D.C. today. (He's flew out at 12:05 p.m. yesterday and won't be back until after nine tonight, all for a one-hour meeting at 10:00 a.m. today. And it's been cold and drizzly in the capitol city. I think he would have preferred being regaled by his intrepid brother-in-law.)

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