Tuesday, November 3, 2009

On the 2nd Day of Gratitude.....

I'm cheating a little bit here. I'm setting my 2nd day of gratitude to music and it's actually November 3rd. Let's just say that after driving to doctor's appointments, making a quick pit stop at Hen House (yes, that is the actual name of a grocery store. Not quite as inventive as Piggly Wiggly, but obviously, that name was already taken....), rushing home to eat dinner within a 20-minute window, racing to meet Ryan and going to a birthday party, then returning home and getting the girls to bed, I didn't feel like sitting at the computer. But the reason why I'm not entirely cheating is that i shared my three things verbally last night. And I have witnesses! So, the three things for which I felt much gratitude yesterday were:

  1. Cake. Sunshine Cake, to be exact
  2. Ice-cream (cookie dough)
  3. My friend Jennifer's birthday.

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