Wednesday, November 25, 2009

SomeThings You Might Not Know

The Fountain of All, um....Things Interestingly Explained spouted forth this morning. This particular source of information is rather like an unpredictable volcano. Sometimes, smoke or ash appears to be drifting out from the dome's peak and you prepare for an outpouring of whatever it is that's going to spew forth. Other times, you're just completely taken off-guard by tidbits abruptly tossed about. Today, Fount Annie's elucidation was decidedly amusing. And I am grateful for all three observations.
  1. I am thankful that Annie apparently remembers little things I say. She gazed at her reflection in the mirror this morning, taking in the bright aqua sweater she was wearing, and reinterpreted something I occasionally say to her. In Annie's words: "Blue brings out the color of your black eyes. See? My eyes is blue today."
  2. I am thankful that Annie uses logic by taking an assertion and building upon it (even if it makes no sense to me): "Blue brings out your teeth, too. See? Look at my teeth."
  3. I am thankful that Annie willingly shares her conclusions: "And your nose. Blue brings out the color of your nose. In your snot."

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