Saturday, November 28, 2009


Oma-yee-haw! Sometimes, when I think of Omaha, the images and words swirling through my mind could be equally applied to any western cattle-town - from a hundred or so years ago. Sorry, Omaha-ites. But Kansas City could be categorized in the same file. And I like it here. And really, Omaha is home to Creighton University (does anyone even call it by it's complete name?), which is highly regarded (and it has a great meteorology program, I hear.) Omaha is also the setting for Henry Doorly Zoo (which I enjoy even more than KC's) and Boys Town and, as I discovered last night, its Old Market.

We went to Omaha with some friends this weekend so we could attend the Winter Quarters Temple. It was one of those crazy weekend trips that almost wasn't. But it was. Car problems, issues with hotel reservations and plain old poor-timing almost kept us away. But we went. And I am grateful for that. Just being with my husband at a place that represents, to us, the promise of peace and incomprehensible joy is something that doesn't happen too often, so I'll eagerly take those moments when I can.

  1. I am thankful for temples and for the way I feel when I am inside one.
  2. I am thankful for good friends to go on a quick temple trip with. It made a great opportunity even better!
  3. And I am thankful for Omaha - because that is where the Winter Quarters Temple is.

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