Friday, November 20, 2009

Today Is Friday, Right?

The weekend is upon us. Yeah!!! Not that the weekend signals a romantic candle light dinner, or anything like that. And we don't have a standard matinee time at the movie theater where we enjoy a few hours of quality family time. (We don't to movies very much, or at all, if you really want to know the truth). I'm not packing for a weekend trip or heading off on a grand adventure. We don't have outstanding weekly traditions that I am preparing for (except for church at nine o'clock on Sunday morning), like brunch or sleeping in on Saturday morning (but a girl can dream, can't she? I know, I know - just not on Saturday morning.).

We have a couple of days to fall farther behind with all the things we figured we'd accomplish by Saturday night, and on Sunday, we'll be mentally adding to the already overloaded list of plans and tasks for the following week. At least this is how it seems to be for Ryan and me.

But it's the weekend all the same! It's like a beautifully wrapped gift we can't wait to open. And I really like the promise and excitement two days of each week bring. I am so thankful that:
  1. The weekend is here. (It is Friday,today, isn't it?)
  2. The unwelcome grey clouds and the uninvited drizzle they brought with them have taken leave for a few days.
  3. I feel content. Right here, right now. It's a nice feeling.

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