Sunday, November 9, 2008

And on Sunday....

Today, the children's primary put on a lovely program at church. They sang songs I remember singing as a child. I recall nervousness and excitement when, as a child, I found myself sitting in the big chairs up at the front of the chapel. It was always a day when my mom insisted on hair curled, sashes tied, white shirts pressed, neckties straight.... It's nice, I think, to be reminded of the simplicity of the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Especially when those reminders come via little songs, scriptures, and lines presented by children. Today, I am thankful for:

  1. Beautiful children who share their love for Jesus through songs and memorized lines. And what makes this so profound is that these kids don't even know they are teaching me!
  2. Two little girls in pink plaid taffeta who gave their very best today, especially given that one of them suffers terribly from stage fright.
  3. Rhonda, Hallie and Sung-ti, my regular troops, and Ellen and Jessica, today's special forces. Oh, and Ryan for doing reconnaissance work. (If this doesn't make sense to you, don't worry. Just know that my thanks for/to each one of these people runs deep!)

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

And Gabbie thanks you from the bottom of her heart. Though she sure doesn't act like it at the start.
er. Not all my comments in the future will rhyme, btw. :)