Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Heartfelt Family Prayer - or Please, Don't Kick Us in the Teeth!

What I am about to type is totally accurate - and there was no undue influence. I swear.

While saying our family prayer this morning, Annie offered a sincere plea that perhaps echoed the sentiments of 49-point-something-percent of the American population. Her prayer followed the usual pattern:

"Dear Heavenly Father,
Please bless us to have a nice, fun, nice, safe day.
In the name of Jesu--"

Here's me, interjecting, "Wait -- what are we thankful for?"

Annie, continuing, "We are thankful for our new president. Please bless him to be nice and not kick us in the teeth...."

1 comment:

Miss L said...

This totally made me laugh. Thank you Annie and Allison! lol. :)