Monday, November 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Challenge

I am accepting the Thanksgiving Challenge, which, in a nut shell, is this: each day throughout November (or from today, since I started a few days into the month), I list three things (items, people, events, etc.) for which I am grateful. And I should not duplicate anything I classify. Because I should be able to discover three different things each day that enrich my life.

I have decided to keep this record of good things as an impetus to look outward and savour the truly magnificent blessings that envelope me. Can I once again quote these following sage words?

"No matter how cold the winter of our lives becomes, I am learning that thinking of our many blessings melts much of the frost."

So, here I go:
  1. I am thankful for Dr. Hoffman, developmental pediatrician extraordinaire. It's not my favourite thing to do with Annie, waiting in specialists offices, but along with Dr. Hoffman, I am infinitely grateful for his ilk: pediatric specialists like geneticists, orthopedic surgeons, cardiologists, etc.. And it's not because they can "fix" things. Because sometimes, they can't. But those doctors can give reassurance and hope. And they do.
  2. Ciprofloxacin. I am not thankful for conjunctivitis. In my own eye, no less! Enough said.
  3. Indian Summer.

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