Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Here we are hanging out in our first apartment in Sandy, UT (for those unfamiliar with geography, Sandy's somewhere between Burlington, CO and Hell) with our mission president, his very attractive wife, the very attractive Annice, some other friends and, most attractive of all, my lovely wife. And yes, Mr. Buhrley, that's you in back severely in need of a haircut - not attractive. Green-striped velour couch - still looking very attractive in our basement.

It was kind-of odd but very cool having our mission president travel from Japan for a mission reunion and then end up hanging out at our apartment.

This all reminds me of a great song from that era.

In closing, I send out a mea culpa to Allison - it looks like all that time browsing Facebook paid off with your stumbling across this photo. We sure had a good time that night.