Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sleep, Teachers & Emi

I was a bit under the weather yesterday and all though I feel much improved today, I am still rather tired. So I've been having this exchange running inside my head: I think I'll just take a nap. Well, maybe I'll put in a load of laundry first.....Get the laundry taken care of...Oh, I'll just quickly check my email. And msnbc.com. And the weather. Hmm. I 'm a little peckish. Are there any brownies left? I'll grab a bite and then go take my nap....Between the kitchen and my bedroom, I spot a book I've been reading....Maybe I'll just read a chapter. Or two....An hour later ...Or seven...Oh yeah, my nap. Well, maybe I'll just play a quick game of mahjong first - before I put stuff in the dryer and then....

It looks like that nap is flying right out the window. That's okay. I am instead using my time to think about the things I should be doing while enjoying the things I am doing. And I am enjoying sharing three things to day that make me happy and fill me with gladness:
  1. I am thankful to be feeling much better today. A day of sleep (yesterday) and taking it easy today have been working wonders!
  2. This morning, Ryan and I met with Annie's teachers and I am so thankful that they care so much about Annie. She hasn't been the easiest part of the classroom lately (or at home,for that matter) which makes me appreciate all the more the sincere efforts they give in her behalf.
  3. I am soooo thankful for Emi, for how she puts up with what she puts up with. Lately, because Annie has been so much more of a challenge, Emi has had to step aside a lot. In my heart I promise to make this all up to her, although I wonder if I even can - but I know this: even though it's tough and, quite frankly, unfair to her, Emi seems to just accept things as they are. Sometimes it's with a smile, sometimes not. And that's perfectly fine. Emi's the greatest 9-year-old and I love her!


Ryan said...

We have at least four different ADHD medications in the house at varying dosages. Call me if you need a recommendation on which one you should use.

Allison said...

Ha Ha! Just what are you trying to say? That I could take a nap if I swallow some Straterra et.al or that I could get more laundry done?